REMEMBER. vidéo. 6'07. couleur (20 years Casino 2016)
Hello Gaspar !
I know you will be soon in Luxembourg, be shure then that you give my kind and friendly regards to Enrico Lunghi, Jo Kox and the Casino staff, old or new, when you meet them.
Back in march april may 1997 we made together the firt Casino one-man show : SEDIMENTS with a good sample of my works from 1969 to 1997 invading all the Casino spaces including basement.
A very good experience during wich everybody learned something, including me and my older son Eloi that came to help me with the display of so many frames, series of A4 pages and videos including a serie of many 10 mn Luxemburgisch anonymous interiors of houses and flats, together with a choice of 10 from my hundred thousand postcards, that where also published for the occasion.
The artist-book SEDIMENTS, a lonely concept and realization with so many documents-sediments I puted up during previous months in Paris, was going on press at the same time, and is still today a very good actual reference on my vitae, work, ideas fully pertinent 20 years layter that I keep looking through with great pleasure . Every one should have SEDIMENTS at home !
You know about the "Do you remember, 20 years Casino" project and me beeing invited to produce a selfy video statement together with a hundred artists chosen from a thousand. Two months time to perform the 2mn selfy.
Besides politicians who is more selfish than an artist ?
His sociocultural job is to expose parts of what should be his inner-self, covering spaces and walls with the stuff.
Then it seems quite rudimentary and probably boring to follow the selfy trend and have an artist facing a webcam (a joined pdf is explaining the manoeuver) for a commemorative statement limited to two minutes ...the two minutes beeing, I assume, the average lenghts of brain disponibility for average people...
A reduced format, quite caricatural of our miroring epoch emphazized amplified by web culture and its immediate selfsatisfaction spreded, posted world-wide. Posterity at once!
So why bother with the format. Lets blow the frame, any frame, and, as usual, just do what you please according to your self-respect and by the way trying to make sens despite common sens and consensual seeking for an easy posterity, be on the mood, on the move.
We are already facing more than 3hours of rememberings with a hundred artists, hundred faces... quite an inventory, a trombinoscope. Peoples's faces beeing accepted as a social event in iconography we are therefore facing the tsunami of selfies ! We will see how significant it will be..
But then what would be 2mn rememberings from the Staff ? No webcam, no frame. Open. The hardway. Be creative. What did the staff reach, achieve and learn during those 20 years. Would they be able to conceive such a remembering celebration of what working in the Casino means for them, given the chance to do it? Just a job? What woud it look like as an audio-visual production or any other mean? Quite a project. A team project? A year project. Who dares do it ? Nobody Iexpect. Roles are well distributed. Everyone sticks to his role defined by the pay-contract and performs as well as possible.
But then, at last, what would be 2 mn of remembering by visitors, the very pretext of any cultural event besides demagogic political means to try to build up a shining nation's picture?. No webcam, no frame. Open. Any means: photos, videos, texts, drawings ...For shure some would be chilled to enter the place, the art scene ! Why not !. Make a Casino Award granted with a Casino pass for the next 20 years.
A specific Luxemburgish picture of what the Casino might have contributed to achieve through its exhibitions and other events programs
Who dares? Who cares?
Just take the trouble to expériment.
I will be there, thinking for 2 mn or more ...
Didier le Mesvier 24.08.15
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renvoi à l'usage des smartphones où chacun est
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ainsi les applications se partagent toutes vos données,
le big data, se donnent méme le droit de les modifier.
Il va falloir réapprendre à fermer portes, fenétres,
tiroirs secrets...chut !
Adieu l'autosatisfaction du selfy débridé
du "moi-je" à outrance, sans limite
© Didier BAY.